TNECD Announces Four Counties to Participate in Property Evaluation Program

The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development announced the counties selected to participate in the latest round of the Select Tennessee Property Evaluation Program.

The counties include Campbell, Dyer, Jefferson, and Rhea.

This round brings the total number of counties that have participated in PEP to 56. Since its inception, PEP has helped improve the inventory of industrial sites and buildings across Tennessee. The program evaluates potential industrial properties, advising counties on industrial site improvements and where investments may be most beneficial.

PEP originated from Select Tennessee Certified Site Program. With assistance from site selection firm Austin Consulting, PEP provides participating counties with guidance on site planning for future industrial development projects.

PEP includes an onsite visit by Austin Consulting and TNECD, an educational webinar on the site selection process and a comprehensive assessment of the strengths and needs of each community’s inventory of industrial sites. This assessment also offers recommendations to improve marketability.

The four counties were selected based on the demonstrated local need for industrial properties and the county’s ability to assemble properties with viable market potential. The application process begins with a submission of a letter of intent, which is accepted at any time. Upon receipt of the letter, interested communities will receive the PEP application. A new round of communities will be accepted into the program in the fall of 2020.

Source: State of TN ECD

The East Tennessee Economic Development Agency markets and recruits business for the 15 counties in the greater Knoxville-Oak Ridge region of East Tennessee. Visit

Published May 5, 2020